Thursday, March 11, 2010

Film Timeline and Film Techniques

At this point in Film History in the class we are after the 1950s. We just finished looking over International cinema like the French New Wave, Italian Neorealism, one Iranian film and one Japanese film. Well next unit is probably going to be on films that were made after the MPAA changed their rules.

In the International cinema unit there was a lot close-ups, mise en scene, eye-level shots, lots of tracking shots. There was also some Eye line match and Point of view used too.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Horror Movies

I really don't have a favorite horror movie. Like some movies that I really like are the Halloween movies, Nightmare in Elm street movies, Haunting in Connecticut, Paranormal Activity, and there is a couple more but these are just some examples. For scary movies that I like, I guess they have to be super scary. Like they have to leave you shaking and terrified after you watch them. And they need to have an original story line, not like a sequel that has elements seen already in other movies.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Gangster Movies

Americans like these types of films because they are viewed as being "cool" because of the lifestyle portrayed in them. Like the Boss in the movies in powerful and very wealthy. The action involved in them like the violence shown like shootings, fighting in it, and other stuff like that makes the movie more interesting for some people. I think that us as the people that watch these movies does make other people see us as violent and very bad people. I really haven't seen any gangster movies so I don't have a favorite gangster movie.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Parallel Sequencing

Both the paragraphs talk about work from the mother and the father. The paragraphs also talk about the things they use like how they are in their reach. And also how they look more interested in what they are doing than what is around them.
The second example of paragraphs talk about the difference of the relationship between the writer and his parents. Like how their relationship is kind of serious with his parents.
The third example of paragraphs talk about what the writer does and feels during his weekend.
Like in the first paragraph the writer sounds happy, cheerful and full of life. Also it also shows the way he acts on his saturday. But in the second paragraph it talks about the next day which is sunday. Like when he gets woken up by his mom so he could do some work around the house. But there are some similarities like the words he uses to describe how he feels and how he feels about the days.
My mom is different from my dad.
My mom is always there for us. She's always around the house for anything we need. She is always doing stuff around the house, but we help some of the time. She is always trying to give us the best she can. But then until my mother leaves to work then we wait for my dad.
My dad is almost never around the house. He works almost all the time except for the two days he gets off from work. But he never almost hangs around with us because he is always too tired. But we try to make the best out of it when he is there. He only tells us good night every night before we go to sleep and thats the only thing we hear from him that night.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Star Wars and D.W. Griffith

G. Lucas used similar shooting techniques first kind of used by D.W. Griffith. These include the long shot, medium shot, close ups. And he also uses suspense almost similar like Griffith. And the music is used very well, like to build up suspense and other moods within the movie.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


My favorite comedy movie is The Hungover. I like all kinds of comedy. Yea, I would say that I
like physical comedy, it sort off gives movies a little funnier side to it. The only british comedy that I can think of that I like would be Mr. Bean it's a show, but they made a movie out of it. It probably came out either in 2008 or 2007. Yea, I like comedies with stunts, they are sometimes pretty funny but then there are times were it sometimes doesn't make sense. Teen comedies are funny but most of the time they contain explicit content so not everyone can see these movies. What is funny to me in a movie is, as long as a movie contains good jokes or funny stunts then I think that a movie is funny enough to watch.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Science Fiction

Some science fiction movies I have seen are Star Wars, Starship Troopers, The Terminator trilogy, Transformers. They are mostly set in the future and most of the time they take place in space and other planets or there is just something futuristic about it.